Do You Wrap Bridal Shower Gifts in White?

Bright Heart's and Stripes Bridal Shower gift

Wedding Month on the Corinna Wraps blogI just want to quickly share with you a gift I wrapped for my friend’s bridal shower earlier this month. She’s full of life, energy and fun, and white wedding-themed wrapping paper just didn’t seem like the right way to go for her shower gift. (I wasn’t the only one who thought so — there was very little white paper at the shower.)

Instead of white or silver, I used some brightly striped paper and some ribbons with paper hearts attached to the ends, which was inspired by her wedding invitation. Inside, I used tissue paper in the same colours and added confetti. The bride-to-be said the gift was so much fun to open — exactly the response I was hoping for!

I’m curious: How many of you stick to white/silver when wrapping wedding shower gifts, and who goes for more colour?

P.S. — I’d like to give a little shout out to one of my workshop students, who generously gave me the striped paper. When she moved into her place, she found several rolls of wrapping paper left by the former owners, who had also owned a store. These rolls aren’t your average rolls — they’re massive, with hundreds of metres of paper on each one. I honestly wouldn’t have to buy wrapping paper for the rest of my life, but of course we know that won’t happen. Thank you H.!


+ Gift wrapping and photography by Corinna vanGerwen

About Corinna vanGerwen

I'm a gift wrapping expert, writer, stylist and former decorating editor, writing all about gift wrapping on the Corinna Wraps blog.


  1. Oh, I didn’t know it was more traditional to wrap gifts in white and/or silver! There are so many lovely wedding-themed wrapping papers out there, and I figured they are just as OK to use for the shower as for the wedding — especially since we so often give cash in a card at weddings now, rather than a gift.

  2. Hm, I guess I should have been a little less specific — white, silver, wedding-themed papers (no matter the colour). I’m not that familiar with bridal shower etiquette and traditions, but I was expecting to see a lot more wedding-like paper at the shower. Pastels, whites, lace, flowers… (At least that’s what it’s been like at other showers I’ve been to.)

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