Giveaway! — Make Your Own Book with Blurb


UPDATE I’ve decided to extend the deadline to enter the Blurb giveaway. You now have until Midnight EST, July 2, 2012, to leave a comment for your chance to win $35 credit with Blurb to publish your own book. Plus, here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how Blurb books are made.


Wedding Month on the Corinna Wraps blog

I promised a giveaway for wedding month on the Corinna Wraps blog, so here it is!

Blurb Canada has generously offered a prize of a $35 credit for one lucky reader of the Corinna Wraps blog to create their own personalized Blurb book!

What’s Blurb? It’s an easy way for you to self-publish your own book, be it photo album, notebook, cookbook or anything else you can imagine. Go to the Blurb website, choose your photos and text, order, then receive a customized, professional book. You can even create an ebook or sell your book in the Blurb bookstore.

Last month, when I was at the BlogPodium event in Toronto, I had a chance to see some Blurb books in the flesh, and they’re pretty nifty. They look just like books you’d buy from the bookstore, but they’re filled with your own words and pictures. I’m busy scheming how I’m going to use the credit Blurb generously gave me (a book of gift wrapping DIY projects, perhaps?)…

The options of what you can publish are endless — a cookbook of your favourite recipes, a family history, a photo album of your baby’s first year, a book of poetry, even personalized notebooks and day planners. Or you can create a book of all your photos from Facebook or Instagram. And for the brides and grooms out there, how about a storybook of how you met and fell in love, a personalized guestbook, or a wedding photo album?

TO ENTER Leave a comment below to let me know what your favourite post is on the Corinna Wraps blog. That’s it!

One entry per person. Giveaway ends midnight EST, June 27 July 2, 2012. The winner will be chosen by random draw and will be announced on this blog on June 29 July 4, 2012.

About Corinna vanGerwen

I'm a gift wrapping expert, writer, stylist and former decorating editor, writing all about gift wrapping on the Corinna Wraps blog.


  1. My favourite post is probably this one about measuring wrapping paper:
    So useful!

  2. Pingback: Last Day to Enter the Blurb Book Giveaway! « Corinna Wraps

  3. Meg S

    I love these DIY Colour-Burst Gift Tags ( so much! Can’t wait to try it.

  4. Pingback: Winner of the Blurb Book Giveaway Announced « Corinna Wraps

  5. Thank you everyone for your comments!

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